
Showing posts from November, 2019
This weekend, we finish the Church's year - with Christ the King Sunday. On December 1st, after the Thanksgiving holiday, we begin the new year with the first Sunday of Advent. On Sunday 11/24: Our Celebrate and Sing Kids will join the 8:30 Choir to bring music to worship. The songs include Jesus Loves Me & Thankful for the kids, with the 8:30 Choir singing a lovely rendition by K Lee Scott of King of Glory, King of Peace. At 9:45, Donna Derrick will lead the musicians and congregation with beautiful music, including a solo during communion,  O Lord, You're Beautiful. At 11:00. Flautist Mallory Berley will provide communion music with It is Well  and accompany the hymns. The Joyful Noise Ringers Handbell Choir will accompany the Hymn of the Day and open and close worship with prelude & postlude: Come Christians, Join to Sing by Sherman & O Jesus, Joy of Loving Hearts, arranged by Deacon Kathleen Cartledge. The 11:00 Choir brings a festive air to...