
Showing posts from August, 2022
 Summer - Here we are - more than halfway through Summer. Although Summer won't end until the last part of September, our days have been a little cooler this week and you can almost feel Fall in the air!  Music at St Paul has moved along - as we've sung in and out of masks. The pictures here are from times before and during the pandemic. Through all of this - we've supported each other and I can't thank our wonderful musicians in the church and community enough for all they've done to lift up each other in this craft and art form we call music during these stressful years. Our faith tells us that we are not alone, and when we rehearse and make beautiful music, for some people, that makes it a bit easier to feel that we are not alone - that God is with us! For many of us, it gives us a higher and noble purpose. And for many of us the craft of being in a group, serving, performing, the thrill and love of singing or playing, and being part of something larger than ours...