The Great Bread Discourse

We are in the readings of the Great Bread Discourse - where we hear how Jesus is the bread of life, in this cycle B of the Lectionary - the appointed readings and cycle we follow in our worship life. 

As these readings come around, I find myself looking to see how many anthems mention the word bread or eating, drinking or thirst. And there are a good many. However during the summer months when these readings occur, we don't always have as many choir members to sing as some are traveling, and going on vacation. However, every church choir that sings in the summer finds at least one "Bread" Anthem to share during this season - as bread and wine are used by God in communion, and as Jesus is the true bread and drink that we need and are offered through his life and love.

You can find a more modern hymn about "Bread" titled "I Am the Bread of Life" here with the Notre Dame Choir singing:

This enthusiastic hymn is presented with percussion, winds and voices. The energy is nice - the singing energetic and reminds us of the joy that we have in Jesus Christ to share with others.

Another modern hymn about "Bread" is "Bread of the World" - this arrangement is for choir:

And last but not least - from the Taize Community - "Eat This Bread" - This has verses that are sung between the choruses - and is sometimes heard as just the chorus calling us to God's table.

Whatever style of music that helps you connect with God and others, I hope you find a way to worship during this time of year - either in person or online. For Jesus Christ is the bread of life - and together we are called to a joyous life that has yes - suffering, and yes - celebration, as together we follow Jesus Christ, as disciples and children of God. I hope the music you hear and God's Word and Sacrament nourish you.

As always, if you live in the Aiken area and cannot come to church, please contact us and let us know if you watch online or read this Music Newsletter - for you are part of our family, and in our prayers.

As always, in Christ

Deacon Kathleen Cartledge


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