
Autumn - Fall - a beautiful time of year! I am thankful that the Aiken Civic Orchestra Concert "Simply Baroque" with their consort and soloists presented a really lovely, artistic experience on Friday, Sept. 13th at St Paul. The Orchestra will bring their Pops Program - Spooktacular to us on Friday, October 25th - Music and Fun for the Community! I am also thankful for those who work so faithfully to bring music through instruments, singing, concerts and support into our worship and community life. We are truly blessed by your efforts. This Fall, as our nation heads into an election, I encourage every artist to take a breath when the people around you or online may become a bit much to bear. When you feel overwhelmed, take a breath - the power you have is in your response to what is going on around you. Hold that power - take a breath - and continue your art form and do your best to remember that others are anxious with you - so give them a little space too. Musically - we co
 The Great Bread Discourse We are in the readings of the Great Bread Discourse - where we hear how Jesus is the bread of life, in this cycle B of the Lectionary - the appointed readings and cycle we follow in our worship life.  As these readings come around, I find myself looking to see how many anthems mention the word bread or eating, drinking or thirst. And there are a good many. However during the summer months when these readings occur, we don't always have as many choir members to sing as some are traveling, and going on vacation. However, every church choir that sings in the summer finds at least one "Bread" Anthem to share during this season - as bread and wine are used by God in communion, and as Jesus is the true bread and drink that we need and are offered through his life and love. You can find a more modern hymn about "Bread" titled "I Am the Bread of Life" here with the Notre Dame Choir singing:

Time after Pentecost - What some call Ordinary Time

Easter - then Pentecost and Holy Trinity, the year is going by so fast! We are blessed to have so many music lovers and musicians at St Paul and in our community of Aiken. The music in our worship and concerts is enhanced by the attitude of appreciation our musicians experience in this community!  We finished a Concert Season of Celebration on May 26th - with the Memorial Weekend Concert honoring those who died in service to their country, and with patriotic singing led by our choirs.  What's next? We will have regular Sunday worship - with 2 special Sundays - July 7th and September 1st, where we have one service (a Unity Service) at 10 am on those Sundays - our worship will be inspired by musicians from all services and a blended service - a time when those who worship at 3 different services come together to worship at one service. Our musicians continue to enhance worship this summer - even though some travel. Worship will include a variety of inspiring music with choirs at 8:30

Christmas and Epiphany

 Christmas - it's always beautiful, and this year was lovely. We now step into the time of Epiphany, when we remember how the sages or "wise men" from the East followed the star to find the baby Jesus, the Morning Star, sent by God to save us all. The season of Epiphany is short this year - we will finish up on Februay 11th with the day of Transfiguration, and head into Lent on February 14th - Ash Wednesday.  But the music will flow throughout - as we celebrate the ministry of Jesus, of how he did and still does connect with humanity - how he influences our lives, and brings us to a place of connection - where we know we can find peace, because of Jesus Christ. Our music will reflect some of that during the next 6 weeks. On the 21st, both choirs will sing "Come Follow Me" by John Leavitt, with Alea Atkinson playing the instrumental part. This lovely anthem takes us through different meters, mapping out our journey that always has a constant beat - the love of Je
 Advent is Here! This Sunday, Dec. 3rd begins the season of Advent - the 4 weeks before Christmas.  This first week of Advent the Choirs bring "Keep Your Lamps!" by composer Dr. Andre Thomas. A lively tune, it reminds us to keep awake and be prepared for the coming of Christ - in the long run, and in each day of our lives.  During Advent this year we will have 3 Wednesdays with Advent Suppers at 5:30 pm and Holden Evening Prayer at 6:30 pm with short Reflections by Pastor Jeff. Mallory Berley will bring her beautiful talents on flute to the service on Dec. 6th, and Alea Atkinson will bring her beautiful talents on Violin to the services on Dec. 13th and Dec. 20th. These short services help us take a pause during this hectic time of year - to connect with God, and with ourselves. A beautiful service, Holden Evening Prayer normally lasts about 30 minutes and we welcome everyone to attend this unique service. On Sunday Dec. 10th, we welcome Donna Derrick to our 9:45 service for
 Hush! Somebody's Callin' My Name! This Spiritual speaks to all of us as we consider the times and situations we live in. For God is always calling us, and so are his people. And even when we often don't heed the calls that will brinig us closer to God, the people we love, and the life we want - in His mercy, God continues to call us through the life, suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, his only Son. My hope is that today's music reflects that! This music for the 8:30 and 11:00 Choirs on October 15th is an arrangement written by Brazeal W. Dennard, and it features the "sh" on the end of the word "Hush" - you will want to listen for it. One of the phrases in this spiritual was originally "I'm so glad I found my freedom in time" - and that has been replaced with "I'm so glad I found my religion in time" - so as we sing this, think of your/our faith - our relationship with Christ, as freedom. And yes! Most defi
 It's October!  Thanks to all who attended our first Celebration Concert on Sunday, Sept. 24th. You helped us kick off our year of celebration and there will be more concerts to come. The next one is Friday, November 3rd - more information on that will be available soon. This week, our 8:30 and 11:00 Choirs are singing "I Am His Child" - as we celebrate Consecration Sunday, a day when we turn in our Estimate of Giving cards - a time to discern how each of us can support mission and ministry at and through St Paul Lutheran Church. And this includes music and worship as well. This Moses Hogan anthem reminds us that we are children of God, and how thankful we are for that.  At 9:45 worship, Justin Hadden will lead us in an opening song of celebration - "Lord, I Lift Your Name on High" - where we remember that God suffered, died, was resurrected and ascended for us in Jesus Christ - truly human and truly God at the same time. Music has a way of describing that, and