It's October! 

Thanks to all who attended our first Celebration Concert on Sunday, Sept. 24th. You helped us kick off our year of celebration and there will be more concerts to come. The next one is Friday, November 3rd - more information on that will be available soon.

This week, our 8:30 and 11:00 Choirs are singing "I Am His Child" - as we celebrate Consecration Sunday, a day when we turn in our Estimate of Giving cards - a time to discern how each of us can support mission and ministry at and through St Paul Lutheran Church. And this includes music and worship as well. This Moses Hogan anthem reminds us that we are children of God, and how thankful we are for that. 

At 9:45 worship, Justin Hadden will lead us in an opening song of celebration - "Lord, I Lift Your Name on High" - where we remember that God suffered, died, was resurrected and ascended for us in Jesus Christ - truly human and truly God at the same time. Music has a way of describing that, and helping us give voice to this knowledge and relationship that goes beyond words.

I pray your life is going well, that you find music and art that stirs and also settles your soul. Join us in person or online, as we continue to make music to the Glory of God, and practice our faith in and through the arts, and the gathering of the children of God - where we are fed by Christ through the Sacraments of Holy Communion and Baptism, through each other in our fellowship and most of all, through God's grace.


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