Today worship changed a little more - this is our second Sunday of Virtual Worship. While live streaming is something we have done for some time, today was different.
Today 3 choir folks came in to be our Trio for the duration of this time of virtual worship. 2 of these singers have husbands helping with the streaming technology - and the third is a young adult. I am using as few households as possible to keep the numbers as minimal as possible for our worship musicians.
All of us have made a covenant to practice safe health practices - keeping safe distance from others, washing our hands frequently, sanitizing as much as possible when we cannot wash and not encountering others or other places any more than necessary.
We are limiting ourselves so that we can not only go forward in our best health, but so not as to possibly pass something on to someone else; so that we can serve through our living and also in this way of music in worship.
It is holy work that our world is doing. It is holy work that God calls all of us to at this time to stay apart so that we stay together.
I pray that all who read this find comfort in God's love for the world - even in such a time as this.
For even in these days we follow Jesus to the Cross, and to the Resurrection.
There is joy in that.
I am thankful for you, for all of the musicians who are finding new ways to go forward, and especially for all of the musicians who are stuck waiting - waiting to sing together again, to play and make beautiful art together again!
Let's lift each other up as best we can and remember the joy that will come in the morning.
As Psalm 130 reminds us - "I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His Word I hope; my soul waits for the Lord, more than those that watch for the morning."
Kings College Choir chanting Psalm 130
Today 3 choir folks came in to be our Trio for the duration of this time of virtual worship. 2 of these singers have husbands helping with the streaming technology - and the third is a young adult. I am using as few households as possible to keep the numbers as minimal as possible for our worship musicians.
All of us have made a covenant to practice safe health practices - keeping safe distance from others, washing our hands frequently, sanitizing as much as possible when we cannot wash and not encountering others or other places any more than necessary.
We are limiting ourselves so that we can not only go forward in our best health, but so not as to possibly pass something on to someone else; so that we can serve through our living and also in this way of music in worship.
It is holy work that our world is doing. It is holy work that God calls all of us to at this time to stay apart so that we stay together.
I pray that all who read this find comfort in God's love for the world - even in such a time as this.
For even in these days we follow Jesus to the Cross, and to the Resurrection.
There is joy in that.
I am thankful for you, for all of the musicians who are finding new ways to go forward, and especially for all of the musicians who are stuck waiting - waiting to sing together again, to play and make beautiful art together again!
Let's lift each other up as best we can and remember the joy that will come in the morning.
As Psalm 130 reminds us - "I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His Word I hope; my soul waits for the Lord, more than those that watch for the morning."
Kings College Choir chanting Psalm 130
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