Holy Week 2020 

Its Maundy Thursday - and last Sunday, we began finding new ways to worship as the community of St Paul Lutheran Church.

Tonight, we worshiped online via a link that was posted on our webpage.
Tomorrow night - Good Friday Tenebrae will also be a worship opportunity via a link on our webpage. There will be music of different eras and genres. 
Easter Sunday will also be worship via a link from our webpage - www.stpaullc.net

I grieve a bit - as the musicians from St Paul and I discuss how we can find ways to use them one at a time - instead of all of us together. Yet I rejoice in these brothers and sisters who love the world so much they agree to stay safe and stay home.

I also grieve for all those who suffer in our current public health crisis. For those who have died, or lost loved ones. For the health care workers and responders who are hardly home as they do the work we need them to do so that we can all survive.

With this in mind, I will be posting a musical post every week on the church's facebook page. I will also put a link in this blog. So please return and look for those - these will be different musical opportunities for meditation, inspiration, some of them will be opportunities to sing along as well.

Let's continue to praise God as we journey through this difficult week - a week of sorrow as we acknowledge humanity's part in the death of our Lord and the sin that still grips us. Joy as we remember the Resurrection and the love that also still grips us - for love wins.
Every. Time. Love. Wins.

Remember that.

Tonight consider this link:

I pray for you, our world and for God's love to be our very salvation.
Deacon Kathleen


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